Since life as an inventor doesn't tend to make one wealthy, Wallace and his loyal dog, Gromit, have a day job. They use some of Wallace's contraptions to keep an eye on their client's gardens and use these devices to help them in their hunt to free mankind from rabbit problems forever. So
Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit follows the two Anti-Pesto owners as they move from garden to garden, sucking up rabbits and humanely disposing of them.
But, like in the movie, when Wallace tries to remove all desire to eat vegetables from some captive rabbits, something goes wrong and there is now a monstrous rabbit running around their town eating gardens whole. So naturally, Anti-Pesto must come to the aid of the town and rid the area of the unnatural rodent in time to save the Great Vegetable Competition.
You will be able to play as Wallace, Gromit and Hutch (the brain-washed rabbit that has started acting like Wallace) as you use the various inventions to round up the rodents. You will play through all of the major events from the movie, as well as quite a few extra missions. For instance, the first mission has you cleaning up Lady Tottington's front lawn. You will have to use a combination of the Bun-Gun and Wallace's Bunvac 6000 to suck all the rabbits into a humane container. After cleaning up the front area, Tottington asks that you go around to the side and save the prized pumpkins from the hidden and trapped bunnies found there. This is an event that wasn't in the movie, but added more playtime and fun.
All-in-all, the amount of missions you can go on go a long way towards making this game last. Not only do you get to hunt the Beast across the backyards of the city, but you will have to get rid of the rabbits, sheep, turkeys, chickens and several other pests. Also, the Were-Rabbit isn't the only monster about. As you progress, you will also need to take out were-weasels, were-rats, were-chickens, were-hedgehogs and were-badgers.