The 'Black' in the name refers to a character in the game, the dark mood of the game, and the theme song, 'Paint it Black', by the Rolling Stones. There is a teaser of the song at the intro to the game, the song in its entirety during the credits, and a multitude of variations of the theme are woven into the background music of the game.The sound effects are handled nicely and the music is very good, but the visuals are amazing. With the various weapons in the game, there are of course, a lot of special effects, explosions, beam weapons and my favorite, the missiles. There's just something cool (and unsettlingly refreshing) about letting loose a swarm of missles on the motorist ahead of you. Even the menu is handled artistically, with zooms and pans between the characters to be selected and closeups on elements (such as Sweet Tooth) to reveal option selections. I won't ruin it for you - just explore the menus and see how cool they are. Overall, the production quality of TM:B really shines.