The graphics of X-Men are good, not great, but good. The characters take on the facial characteristics of their movie counterparts. So Wolverine looks like Hugh Jackman, Nightcrawler like Alan Cumming, and so forth. The visuals do a good job of portraying the world of the X-Men, but don’t dazzle or amaze with their realism. Many of the models are somewhat unattractive and many textures muddy. This is likely a side effect of a game developed from the ground up to release on a wide range of platforms. Little work was apparently done to optimize the visuals, at least on the PlayStation 2. Many of the effects and animations, however, are fairly impressive, most notably Nightcrawler’s bamfing around and Iceman’s sliding.
Speaking of bamfing, it has to sound right as well as look right, and thankfully it does. Wolverine’s claws sheathing and unsheathing, Iceman’s body sliding across the ice, the game tends to sound better than it looks. Most of the actors lend their voices to the game’s characters, Patrick Stewert, Hugh Jackman, Shawn Ashmore, and so forth. Sadly, not all are present, with stand-ins voicing for characters like Magneto, Cyclops, and Beast. The utter lack of a Kelsey Grammer presence in the game is truly a crime.