Justice League Heroes begins with the League responding to a series of random attacks, all of which turn out to be a diversion caused by Brainiac. The plot soon unfolds to reveal a much deeper plot that takes the group from Metropolis to Mars and even the JLA’s Watchtower. In addition to several members of the Justice League, other characters from the DC universe show up, including Gorilla Grood, the White Martians and Doomsday. The game’s story isn’t a great work of fiction, though for a comic book story it isn’t half bad.
Unlike other versions of the game, JLH is built as a single-player experience. At any given time, you are in control of two heroes, with direct control over one and A.I. picking up the slack with the other. Generally the A.I. isn’t bad, although there are times where you can get ahead of your partner and end up battling enemies alone while you wait for your partner to catch up. This isn’t too much of a problem though; if you get too far apart, your partner will automatically teleport to your location.
In the beginning, you are limited to seven of the JLA’s core members: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Zantanna. As you progress through the game, you’ll earn shields which you can spend to unlock other members like Aquaman, Black Canary and Supergirl. Early on, you have no control over which members you use, but later on you can take any two members you want.
For the most part, JLH is like any other dungeon hack. You spend a majority of your time slogging your way through hordes of aliens, robots and other things that want you dead. Every once in a while, you might have to save people, but even then you have to battle through an army of enemies.