This game is great to just sit back and look at. The crowds may not be much to see, but you only have to look at them during the cut scenes. Character models many need to see some updating and a few more polys, but in no way are they distracting from the look of the game. The way the field looks during actual play is very realistic. The animations show great attention to detail. Overall, it was very appealing to look at.
Not being the futball aficionado I should be, the commentary helped me out numerous times. Offsides and the penalties were quickly pointed out to me and I understood the game better because of the commentary. I did sometimes feel like I was at a horse race with the quick, one-name callouts as passing happened back and forth. The crowd noise and other sound components only added to the immersion. Save the "Euro Techno" at the opening screen, there was not much to listen to besides the announcers.