Oh, how does the pool look, you say? You were expecting a review of the pool, perhaps? Some good news in the presentation department. Lots of extras you unlock during play help to keep things fresh with new sticks, balls, tables, and locations. The tables are often splashed with sexy images in keeping with the game's theme or you can play a clean, green felt. The sensation of play from a visual standpoint is good. Lots of different camera angles help you see the ball from all around the table by cycling through with the L and R buttons. The visual you'll use most often is the top-down view since it really showcases the angle of the shot. Watching the game play out with a partner isn't very exciting since you only see head shots rather than a real player at the table. Once your opponent decides to shoot, you'll see a disembodied stick jab at the ball and it's away to the races. In the head-shot department, there are times when the image of your player's face obscures the shot you are about to take. A few things on the screen can create this situation and become very annoying very quickly.