Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was one of the better-looking PSP games and really managed to show what the system was capable of. For its PS2 debut, the game's visuals have been completely overhauled. Characters still hold on to the game's trademark style, though they have been beefed up to better fit the PS2's capabilities. Much of the architecture has also been improved, though the changes are subtle in some areas.
Dark Mirror contains a ton of voicework, most of which is presented through chatter during missions. You are constantly sending and receiving messages to other team members, reminding you about mission goals as well as keeping you updated on changes. Overall, the writing is good, though there are moments where the typical, cheesy "action movie" phrases pop up. Consider yourself warned.
Music sounds great and is as dynamic as the gameplay. During gunfights, it will pick up in tempo, only to subside once they're over.