Not only is Britney's sister doing a better job managing her PR, but she managed to get her name on a better game than was ever attached to Britney.
Zoey 101 makes its first appearance on DS with
Field Trip Fiasco and the end result doesn't suck. The graphics are decent for DS, which is to say "not great." It appears that the designers are doing the best they can, but a quick comparison with any top-shelf titles - especially first party games - shows an extreme gap. A licensed game usually has cut-scenes and stills to offset any less-than-stellar, pixelicious character models.
Field Trip Fiasco could exist quite nicely without
Zoey 101 due to these blocky characters and nondescript locations. If your suspension of disbelief is strong, you won't have any trouble projecting your favorite characters from the show into this game, but no disbelief will be suspended on the basis of these graphics.
The sound design in the game is no much more inventive. There are some themes that pop up in relation to action happening on the screen and these changes are welcome. The world you have to explore is very limited so it's nice to have any change, albeit subtle. There isn't any spoken dialogue, but there are a few good sound effects from time to time. If the graphics are not great, the sound probably earns a solid "not bad."