FIFA 08 has got to be one of the best soccer titles that I've reviewed in a long time. There is something about this title that sets it apart from its predecessors. Could it be the vast array of gameplay modes? Maybe the overall pace or the better ball-handling? I can't quite pinpoint it, but my overall experience as a non-soccer watcher/player has been better this year. I do know that one feature that puts a smile on my face from ear to ear -- one that I've been crying about for
years(!) -- is that you can now turn off the ridiculous auto-switching! Thank you, Electronic Arts, for hearing my pleas. While there isn't a direct switch to toggle this annoyance off, turning down the included slider setting essentially does the same thing. Now if the controller button for player-switching were changed, all would be perfect.
In my opinion, largely due to this aforementioned setting, the pace and control are much better on defense. Now, one can choose to either follow the ball-handler, switch to the closest man ([L1] button), or cycle to anyone on the field (Right Analog Stick) in order to get the drop on the approaching opponent. Previous versions of FIFA had me constantly tackling the dribbler instead of playing defense the right way, partly due to my lack of experience, but also out of sheer frustration... something that will no longer occur, thank you very much.
Of course, another frustration does set in for me. The computer seems to "cheat" a lot by keeping the score close. I tend to end up in many 1-1 games that end in a tie during the final minutes when the computer comes from behind and weaves through my defenders like they are statues on the turf. Sure, I am terrible (yes, I'll admit it) at scoring when I do finally get the chance, but my defensive techniques don't change, yet all goes awry when I have the lead.
That aside, FIFA 08 really is a game of champions (at least the tested features are: see below). There is a mode for everybody, including the newest feature, Be A Pro. Here you will be able to take control of a single player on your team, and use that same player throughout each game. While this is a great attempt at innovation, I didn't find it all that entertaining. In fact, I found it more frustrating than fun, because the majority of the time on the pitch was spent trying to catch up to the play, which found me out of position quite often. However, there is a mode called Be A Pro: Co-Op Season, which allows up to 4 players to each take their favorite player on the same squad and play through an entire season in this manner. For those who love multiplayer, this new mode offers some great entertainment, and is much more fun than the single-player version. In the similar Zone Play Mode, you'll also be able to choose from a series of "zones" (or groups of players) that are controllable, giving a bit more entertainment and control throughout the match.
Along with Manager Mode, Challenge Mode, Tournament Mode, and Lounge Mode, you can also take FIFA 08 online... or can you? I haven't been able to play yet. I've either been denied the connection (even though seconds before the DNAS connection was fine!?), or get on and am unable to play in the Interactive Leagues. I'm not sure if this is because EA is not ready for prime time yet, or if they are having constant server problems, or some other excuse. But one look at the Internet Forums shows that I'm not the only one having issues. Because of this, online play has not been tested at the time of this writing... but the Interactive Leagues are very promising in concept, as you (and others) will select and play as a team, going head to head with other rivals within your league, totaling up all team wins and losses from all players, instead of just your own. Here's to hoping that it works as stated soon.