The minute I looked at the back of the Fire Pro Wrestling Returns box, I figured it would be ignored because of how it looks. Yes, it looks like something you would have played 15 years ago on your SNES and yes, it is 2D, but it still looks great for what it is. As you look at the rosters, you'll probably see a lot of wrestlers you've never heard of, but that's sort of what makes the game so fun. You don't go in with preconceived notions about characters or what they look and move like, and you just have fun. Even better, the character customization aspect is incredibly deep, so you can conceivably recreate the entire WWE roster and have them fight the TNA roster in dream matches that Vince and Dixie would never, ever set up on their own.
Still, the visuals are 2D which to some is about as bad as five Montreal Screw Jobs and a reprisal of the Katie Vick storyline. Regardless, the sprites look great and there is so much depth that it is easy to overlook a few choppy animations or pixilated blood. What isn't east to overlook, however, is the music - which is just outright bad and annoying.