Saying that the PS2's graphics are better than looking at the DS's version is like saying I will take the cash over getting an I.O.U. It looks good. I am continuously amazed that the now touted "older generation" of game systems are still looking really good. Well, I should rephrase that; the one remaining "older generation" system that is still making good looking games. Granted that the big jump is from HD and a Next-gen system to an older system and a CRT, but it really does look good.
Negating the discussion of which came first, the chicken or the egg? The music system reminds me very much of the now standard jukebox system look and works with EA's titles. When the music switches, you see the pop-up in the left corner letting you know who and what is playing. The soundtrack is exactly what you expect it would be. I think that unless you can plug your I-pod in and stream it directly through the game, that you are not going to be able to please everyone with the music score of any game. The sound effects themselves were well done. I can't really comment on the sound of a crashing bike, but I will take their word for it.