The absolute coolest thing about Origins is health and how it connects to the visuals. As Wolverine takes damage, it is reflected on his in-game model. Take a few bullets to the back? You'll see the damage. Deck of cards to the face courtesy of Gambit? You'll see that too. The more damage Wolverine takes, the more screwed up he gets until his insides are exposed, leaving him open to lethal damage until his healing factor kicks in. The health bar at the top of the screen gives the same info, but when you have a walking health bar, why bother staring at the HUD?
The rest of the visuals look good, but suffer from a harsh lack of variety. Every secret military base you claw through begins to look the same (a feeling that isn't helped by the amount of back-tracking you'll do in later levels) and even the lush, temple-dotted jungle gets stale the third time you see it. Levels also feel a little too convenient at times. It's cool that you can turn just about anything in the environment into a weapon, but the mechanic loses something when it is obvious that the object was placed there as a weapon. There's also a lack of consistency; sometimes you can toss enemies over the side of the building, other times you're met with an invisible barrier.
Wolverine looks and sounds exactly like Hugh Jackman, adding a sense of authenticity to the game. Of course, this also means that you can watch his face deteriorate and reform numerous times; whether you like him or not, this is a good thing. Liev Schreiber and Will.i.Am also lend their voices to the game. The performances are great, so no complaints there.