Battlefield 1943 is set during the Pacific campaign of the greatest war ever fought. Each of the three environments are limited to tropical and seaside locales, but they look remarkably well designed. The colors and details were so natural that I spent a good ten minutes swimming around in the ocean looking at the crystal clear water. But it isn't all about how pretty it looks. Battlefield 1943 also runs incredibly well for a download only game and the engine used for Battlefield: Bad Company carries over to create realistic and natural destruction. Buildings explode and crumble apart, while trees snap and fall over to destroy cover and create a dynamic battleground. I didn't expect much going into it, but Battlefield 1943 blew me away often with its visuals.
There isn't much to say about the sound design. I would imagine they reused most of the assets from previous games to save time. Not that they sound bad; each weapon sounds believable, but it isn't something that I haven't already heard a million times before. But then there is the theme song. Just one song plays during each Menu screen and post match summary and while it is composed very well, it will be stuck in my head forever. Especially the first thirty seconds, because load times are quick and downtime in between rounds doesn't take that long, so the intro to the theme is repeated constantly. I suppose I could have much worse stuck in my head, but I thought that a few variations or remixes would be nice.