Pinball machines have always been attention grabbers in arcades. They're quite colorful and very loud. Throughout the years, they got even more colorful, added a lot more moving parts, and even louder and faster music. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection has done an excellent job recreating the look, feel, and sound of those original machines. You can usually tell the age of the game just by looking at it, but that doesn't mean the older ones aren't as good! Pinball is just something that hasn't lost its appeal over the decades. The newer games seem to have more moving parts and more physical targets to hit, but that doesn't really make them easier than the older ones.
I really like the way they did the music in the game. You can choose which songs you want as the background music and which ones you don't. So when you find that song that just annoys you for some reason, simply turn it off and you won't hear it again. The games will of course have the same sounds every time you play them. They're each quite unique though. Some say quite a few different things, like The Funhouse. The older ones like Gorgar and Pin*bot don't have as many sayings, but they'll still talk to you. It wouldn't be pinball without all the bells and dings and voices!