Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's World Championship 2010 Reverse of Arcadia looks like a DS game. Character models are basic, but still look good. Rather than playing as a character from the show, Reverse of Arcadia lets you create your own custom duelist from a set of pre-made parts (most of which come from series characters, allowing for all kinds of interesting combinations). I originally thought my custom character would only show up as a portrait, but my choices also showed up on my in-game model. The details were pretty bare, but there was enough noticeable detail that it made for a cool experience.
The actual dueling interface is unchanged from past versions. Konami has found something that works and is sticking with it. The battlefield shows up on the bottom screen, while the top displays card information. The set up doesn't make full use of the DS's twin screens (meaning tiny cards and play area), but it's more than playable. Monsters show up on the battlefield when cast, but the micro-cutouts aren't very impressive.
Sound isn't memorable. There's a bit of a synth-rock beat going on behind duels and a few random sound effects, but nothing overly impressive or worth turning the sound off.