Knowing how to create, manipulate and sustain a working eco-system is everything. Dungeons start as a series of blocks you can begin to chip away. Building a functioning dungeon is the first big step towards success. It's tempting to start hacking away at bricks, though doing so will usually lead to failure. The key is making something that is challenging for heroes to navigate, but also supports the transfer of nutrients and mana.
As you break blocks, Slimemoss will begin to appear. These non-descript creatures spread goo throughout your labyrinth and make up the foundation for the rest of your food chain. As nutrients build up, they begin to collect in unbroken tiles. Smashing a nutrient-rich tile frees an Omnom, the next step up in the food chain and your first line of defense. As time progresses Lizardmen show up, adding another group of monsters to your motley zoo.
Mana works in the same way as nutrients, only they give rise to even more powerful monsters like dragons, demons and Liliths. It's important to make sure nutrients and mana are distributed across your level evenly, otherwise you'll end up with a few massive choke points in an mostly empty cavern. Since monsters will also eat each other, you need to make sure the population doesn't consume itself. It's a tricky job, but incredibly rewarding when you strike the right balance.
Failure to find equilibrium will result in mutations, another new feature. For example, if your Lizardman population gets out of control, the Omnoms will develop defenses against them. Conversely, if there aren't enough Omnoms, Lizardmen will become slower. Mutations can yield just as many benefits as they do consequences, adding yet another layer of complexity.
My Lord 2 comes in two flavors, UMD or PlayStation Network download. The UMD version is a little pricier ($30), but packs in the original game as well. The PSN download doesn't take up a lot of space and is $10 cheaper. While two games for one is enticing, the sequel is such an improvement you might not want to go back.
What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord 2? is a challenging, quirky game. It comes highly recommended for strategy fans, but probably won't appeal to anyone outside of that demographic. Even if you're curious, the steep learning curve might chase you off.