Tomba! has a bizarre visual charm to it. Granted, most PlayStation titles have it, too -- but there's something particularly peculiar about the way this game looks in action. Most of the game is played on a series of two-dimensional planes, but the camera angle shifts to show you the world from a three-dimensional angle when the time is appropriate. This wasn't particularly groundbreaking technology, not even for its time. However, it still looks plenty cool. Environments are wonderfully wacky and as diverse as they come; if the level design doesn't hold up, the appealing aesthetics pick up the slack.
Tomba! has great sound effects and a well-produced soundtrack. It wouldn't do to spoil the more bizarre sound effects and voice snippets, but it goes without saying that much of it may make you laugh out loud. Tomba himself hurls himself into a belly-flopping dive with a comically high-pitched "Ya!" and pigs unlucky enough to find themselves on the receiving end squeal in terror. The ringing bell that announces a new task elicits that classic quest-seeking Pavlovian response, and the fanfare that celebrates your success brings it full circle.