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Love Letters to a Serial Killer
Publisher: Berkley Books

Love Letters to a Serial Killer by Tasha Coryell revolves around the aimless life of Hannah, a young woman living a dull life in Minneapolis until she discovers a serial killer in Atlanta, Georgia that changes her life.

Hannah hasn't experienced a lot of success in her life, either in her career or her love life. She's handled communications for a non-profit in her hometown of Minneapolis for the last decade, but the job isn't very fulfilling nor does she feel like she is changing the world. She's had a string of meaningless relationships, the most recent being with Max, lead singer for the punk band, the Screaming Seals. While that may sound exciting, it's not really, especially after he ghosted her in favor of a girl he knew from college.

Sadly, the most exciting thing to happen lately is the disappearance of a beautiful blonde named Anna Leigh, a recent law school grad who vanished from the law firm in Atlanta where she worked. Hannah, bored at work, decides to make some digital content to share in the hopes of Anna Leigh being located and also joins an online forum about her. However, when Anna Leigh's body is later found dumped in a ravine, Hannah determines to work with the other forum members to figure out who killed her.

Then, another woman's body is found in the ravine, by a forum member that decided to hunt for clues. Then another and another after that. Soon, a man named William Thompson is arrested for the murders, as he is tangentially connected to each murdered woman.

Hannah, who has been manically following the case, is bewitched by William, a handsome young lawyer who is seemingly a monster behind his Brooks Brothers facade. She's become obsessed with the victims and now with the alleged killer, so much so that she writes him a letter in prison while he is awaiting trial, telling him how horrible he is and that she hopes he gets what he deserves. Shockingly, he writes back, and he's surprisingly charming and happy to have someone to communicate with! Before long, the pair develop a deep pen pal relationship that soon progresses to actual romantic feelings. Meanwhile, since all Hannah does all day is compose letters to William and troll the ravine murders forum, her work suffers and she is eventually let go.

What's a girl to do but attend William's trial in Georgia to support him, especially since he has asked her to be his girlfriend. She's got no money, no job, and no prospects, so the best course of action is to get a new credit card and float on it. Clearly, Hannah is not making the best decisions lately.

As the trial progresses, Hannah finds herself secretly following William's family members around, looking for clues. Eventually, she is even befriended by his father, Adam and his brother, Bentley, but his mother, Cindy still gives her the side-eye. At least the men in the family seem happy she is there to support William. And she's not alone in this endeavor, as she's made friends with Dotty and Lauren, two other women in love with William and part of his trial "cheer team."

Is Hannah in love with William, a man innocent of these crimes, or is she in love with a dangerous man who could just as easily kill her as love her? Will William be found guilty and spend his life in prison or will he be found innocent, and what does it mean for their relationship either way? You'll have to read it to find out, but let me tell ya, there are a couple of real shockers waiting for you.

I really enjoyed reading Love Letters to a Serial Killer, mostly because Hannah is a real train wreck, but I also found the evolution of her and William's relationship to be quite interesting. Love Letters to a Serial Killer is a well-written, interesting yarn that is part comedy, part drama and 100% cautionary tale. While I can't say the ending took me by surprise, there was a nice little zinger in there. Highly recommended beach read.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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